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Dance Night 2011: Dear All, As a part of the celebration of The Church of Our Lady of Good Health,Rajakamangalamthurai. The village youth plan to conduct the 15th Year Dance Competition Event "DANCE NIGHT" between near by villiages on 9th Sep,2011. To get to know more information about this event please click the following link. Click Here : Dance Night - 2011
The 2011 Complete Festival Schedule of Our Lady of Good Health:
Click on the image to enlarge Enlightenment Programme - AMF Dear All, We are pleased to inform you that our Arockiya Matha Foundation (AMF) is conducting the ENLIGHTENMENT PROGRAMME for the students and staff members of St. Joseph's High School, Rajakamangalam Thurai on 28th Jan 2011, Friday at 10 am. There will be no participation fee for this seminar, as a part of AMF we warmly welcome the interested people to participate this venture. Please have a look at the following pictures.
Click the image to enlarge If you have a comment or an inquiry on the seminar, please drop a mail to AMF@rmthurai.com Thanks & Regards, Administrators Financial Assistance for Kidney Disease Patient, Dear All, Very sad to inform you that one of friends is suffering from serious kidney disease. He is just 29 years old and very active young gentle man from North Street, Rajakamangalam Thurai. He was asked to pay around 5 lakhs for his treatment. Due to poverty, he is not able to pay this money and get treatment. He also is not in the situation to wait for money and he needs your financial assistance as soon as possible. This is the right time to help him and otherwise it may be too late. It doesn’t matter of the amount. Please do as much as you can. No minimum or maximum limitation. Please make your assistance through Rajakamangalam Thurai Parish Priest at +919486951949. Please make your assistance soon and save this young guy life. Thanks and Regards, Administrators Career Guidance Programme - AMF Dear All, The photographs and video of the Career Guidance Programme, conducted by AMF have been uploaded in our Website. Please follow the below links, if interested. Thank you. Click Here to see the Photographs Career Guidance Programme - AMF Dear All, We are pleased to inform you that our Arockiya Matha Foundation (AMF) is conducting the first CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAMME for our native youngsters, will be held in Rajakamangalam Thurai on 10th Oct 2010, Sunday at 10 am. Mr. Anto Xavier Modutham will be talking on “Jobs in Government Sectors” . There will be no participation fee for this seminar, as a part of AMF we warmly welcome the interested people to participate this venture. Please have a look at the following pictures.
Click the image to enlarge If you have a comment or an inquiry on the seminar, please drop a mail to AMF@rmthurai.com Thanks & Regards, Administrators Church of Our Lady of Good Health Feast - 2010 Click on Image to see the Album
The 2010 Complete Festival Schedule of Our Lady of Good Health: Click the image to enlarge Fr. Andrew M Selvaraj's Golden Jubilee Year Celebration Dear Visitors, It is a matter of the greatest pleasure for us to share the information about, the celebration of Fr. Andrew M Selvaraj's Golden Jubilee Year took place in our native on 25th of May 2010. The photographs are uploaded in the Gallery section. Please follow the links, If interested. Thank you. Click Here to see the Photographs
Holy Mass - Year for Priests Dear Rmthurai parishioners, Pope Benedict XVI has declared the year 2009-2010 a “Year for Priests”. Our parish also honored ex-parish priests and also priests from our village. Our parish has celebrated the year for priests with a holy mass on Sunday (05/23/10) and following honoring function. We wish and pray for all the priests and for their priesthood. We have uploaded some photos and videos. Click Here to see the Photographs Cricket Tournament Hello Everyone, Its our immense pleasure to share the information about the Cricket Tournament played between our near by villages; Which is conducted by our native youth people in our native place. The Winners are, First Prize : Rajakamangalam Thurai A Team Click Here to see the Photographs New Marriage Hall Inauguration ![]() Click the image to see the album Miracle by Mother Mary Dear Rajakamangalam Thurai Parishioners, We got the information that there was moment of eyelid of Mother Mary statue at our church. All the people were gathered at our church and prayed to mother Mary. It was believed as a miracle by Mother Mary. However, we have got here the photos and video from that specific day, 06.10.09. Thanks
Church of Our Lady of Good Health Feast - 2009 Click the image to see the album Church of Our Lady of Good Health Feast - Flag Hoisting 2009 Click theimage to see the album
Church of Our Lady of Good Health Photo - New Look After Repainting: Click the image to enlarge News About Accident: Dear All, We are very sorry to be the bearer of sad news that some of our village women fish vendors met with serious accident couple of days back. We pray for very fast recovery and god bless these families. Thanks.
New Parish Council Elected: Dear RMThurai Members, New Parish Council has beed elected in our native. Please click the following link to see the members of new parish council. Click Here to see the Parish Council members list
St. Joseph's High School 10th Mark Sheet: Dear RMThurai Members, Please click the following link to see our native school 10th mark sheet
The 4th Week of the Lenten Season Celebration Updates: Dear Visitors, The 4th Week of the Lenten Season has always been a special occasion for us. We celebrate Corpus Christi in prayerful and meaningful way. This year too we had the same celebration and the photographs are uploaded in the Gallery section. Please follow the links, If interested. Thank you. Click Here to see Vespers and Sunday Mass Photos Click Here to see Procession Photos
Parish Yearly Income and Expense Report has been submitted by parish council: Dear RMThurai Members, The yearly parish Income & Expense Report has been submitted by parish council. The report was verified by two different auditors. If you are interested to see the copy of Income & Expense Report (2007-2008), please check it out in the following link. Thanks. Please Note: The following link requires authentication. Only registered RMThurai members alone view the page. Click here to see the Parish Yearly Income and Expense Report
Special Thanks to Darcius: Dear friends and visitors, It's my pleasure to interact to you everyone via this website. As you all know, there are lots of hard works behind this website launching, but I would like to give my special thanks to Mr. Sahaya Darcius P for his hard work, valuable time and interest to create this website. - Leenus Martin
MARG lays Foundation Stone for fishing harbour in Rajakamangalam Thurai:
The company plans to invest Rs 450mn in the project which is expected to come in 40 acres of land. The project is expected to benefit over 40,000 people who reside in and around the village. The Project will generate direct employment for about 8000 people once the Fishing Harbour is fully developed. The Harbour is expected to be fully operational by October 2010. |
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